
VAN MINH THE HIEN, a student of Faculty of Civil Engineering, TDTU 2nd prize winner of Loa Thanh Awards 2017
Loa Thanh Awards are founded and organized annually by The Vietnam Federation of Civil Engineering Associations, the Vietnam Association of Architects, the Ministry of Construction and the Ho Chi Minh CommunistYouth Union. This is a prestigious award for excellent graduation projects of students in the field of construction and architecture. Van Minh The Hien, a student of the Faculty of Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) won the second prize of Loa Thanh Awards 2017 with the project “Engineering Workshop Design VS BACKAGING VN”

Loa Thanh Award has been co-organized by Vietnam General Association of Construction, Vietnam Architects Association, Ministry of Construction and Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union since 1988. Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) had 2 winning projects in 2016 from the students from the Faculty of Engineering. Nguyen Thai Vin (left) got the second prize and Phan Tuan Vu students (right) won the third prize.