Sustainable developments in civil engineering research group (SDCE)
1. Introduction
Sustainable Developments in Civil Engineering Research Group (SDCE) is a research group funded by Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) and attached to the Faculty of Civil Engineering (TDTU). The research group creates a platform for idea exchanges and developments of common research activities of researchers and lecturers from Faculty of Civil Engineering (TDTU). These scientific activities can valorize the scientific production and enrich the teaching contents of the group’s members.
2. Missions and Visions
- Identify and build research projects in the field of sustainable constructions.
- Enhance the quantity and quality of scientific publications of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, TDTU.
- Increase the visibility of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and TDTU on the international plan.
- Perform the national and international scientific projects.
3. Research topics
- Sustainable materials in Civil Engineering
- Recycled materials
- Soil-based materials
- Nano-based materials
- Geopolymer-based materials
- Bio-based materials
- Energy efficient buildings
- Eco-architecture principles
- Low embodied energy materials
- Renewable energies
- Local materials
- Circular economy
4. Current members
Assoc Prof., Dr. Quoc-Bao Bui Positions:
Areas of expertise: Soil-based materials, Recycled materials, Nano-based materials, Geopolymer-based materials, Bio-based materials, Energy efficient buildings, Eco-architecture principles, Circular economy, Dynamic of structures. Research track record (until December 2022):
Dr. Tran Minh Tung Positions:
Areas of expertise: Recycled aggregate concrete, Rubberized concrete, Shear Strength, Structural Analysis, Reinforced Concrete structures |
Dr. Le Duc Hien Positions:
Areas of expertise: Recycled aggregate concrete, Eco-Friendly Controlled Low-Strength Material, Self-compacting concrete using stainless steel reducing slag. |
Dr. Phan To Anh Vu Positions:
Areas of expertise: Sustainable materials, soil-based materials, geopolymer-based materials |
5. PhD students
a/ Thesis title: « Composition and mechanical characteristics of geopolymer concrete using recycled aggregates»
PhD candidate: Hoai-Bao LE, beginning 29/03/2019.
Supervisors: Quoc-Bao BUI, Duy-Thang VU
b/ Thesis title: «Investigation on the mechanical characteristics and the durability of geopolymer stabilised soil»
PhD candidate: The Phong NGO, beginning 01/10/2019.
Supervisors: Phan To Anh Vu, Quoc-Bao BUI
c/ Thesis title: « »
d/ Thesis title: « »
e/ Thesis title: « »
6. Publications
a. Articles (representative papers)
[1] Ngo TP, Bui QB, Nguyen NT, Le T, Phan VTA, Application of nanotechnology for earth materials: an exploratory study with graphene-based nanosheets, Construction and Building Materials, 324 (2022) 126677, ISSN: 0950-0618, Elsevier.
[2] Le HB, Bui QB, Nguyen DM, Cheng S. Assessing the mechanical properties of geopolymer recycled aggregate concrete: flexural strength, bond strength and thermo‑mechanical behaviour, Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society (2022), Springer.
[3] Nguyen DM, Diep TMH, da Silva YF, Vu TN, Hoang DQ, Ha Thuc CN, Bui QB, Perre P, Three-dimensional pore characterization of poly(lactic)acid/bamboo biodegradable panels, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 221 (2022) 16–24. ISSN: 0141-8130 Elsevier.
[4] Ngo TP, Bui QB, Phan VTA, Tran HB, Durability of geopolymer stabilised compacted earth exposed to wetting–drying cycles at different conditions of pH and salt, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 329, 25 April 2022, 127168 (2022), ISSN: 0950-0618, Elsevier.
[5] Nguyen NT, Bui TT, Bui QB, Fiber reinforced concrete for slabs without steel rebar reinforcement: assessing the feasibility for 3D-printed individual houses, Case Studies in Construction Materials, Volume 16, June 2022, e00950, ISSN: 2214-5095, Elsevier.
[6] Ngo TP, Phan VTA, Schwede D, Nguyen DM, Bui QB. Assessing influences of different factors on the compressive strength of geopolymer‑stabilised compacted earth, Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, 58, 379–395 (2022),, ISSN: 0004-881X, Springer.
[7] Fabbri A, Morel JC, Aubert JE, Bui QB, Gallipoli D, Ventura A, Reddy BVV, Hamard E, Pelé‐Peltier A, Abhilah HN, An overview of the remaining challenges of the RILEM TC 274‐TCE, testing and characterisation of earth‐based building materials and elements, RILEM Technical Letters (2021) 6: 150‐157,
[8] Nguyen TPT, Nguyen DV, Thuc CNH, Bui QB, Perré P, Nguyen DM. Valorization of starch nanoparticles on microstructural and physical properties of PLA-starch nanocomposites, J Applied Polymer Sci. 2021; e51757. Wiley, DOI: 10.1002/app.51757, ISSN: 00218995.
[9] Nguyen TD, Bui TT, Limam A, Bui TL, Bui QB. Evaluation of seismic performance of rammed earth building and improvement solutions, Journal of Building Engineering 43 (2021) 103113, Elsevier.
[10] Morel JC, Charef R, Hamard E, Fabbri A, Beckett C, Bui QB, Earth as construction material in the circular economy context: practitioner perspectives on barriers to overcome, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 04 August 2021, The Royal Society, ISSN:1471-2970.
[11] Le HB, Bui QB, L Tang, Geopolymer recycled aggregate concrete: from experiments to empirical models, Materials 2021, 14, 1180.
[12] Le H-B, Bui QB, Recycled aggregate concretes – a state-of-the-art from the microstructure to the structural performance, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 257, 10 October 2020, 119522, ISSN: 0950-0618, Elsevier.
[13] Nguyen DM, Grillet AC, Diep TMH, Bui QB, Woloszyn M, Characterization of hygrothermal insulating biomaterials modified by inorganic adsorbents, Heat and Mass Transfer, 08/05/2020, 12p, ISSN 0947-7411, Springer.
[14] Bui QB, Bui TT, Jaffré M, Teytu L, “Steel nail embedded in rammed earth wall to support vertical loads: an investigation”, Construction and Building Materials, 234 (2020) 117836, ISSN: 0950-0618, Elsevier.
[15] Bui T-L, Bui T-T, Bui QB, Nguyen X-H, Limam A, Out-of-plane Behavior of Rammed Earth Walls under Seismic Loading: Finite Element Simulation, Structures, 24 (2020) 191–208, ISSN: 2352-0124, Elsevier.
[16] El-Nabouch R, Bui Q B, Plé O, Perrotin P, “Rammed earth under horizontal loadings: Proposition of limit states”, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 220, 30 September 2019, Pages 238-244 ISSN: 0950-0618, Elsevier.
[17] Bui QB, Bui TT, Tran MP, Bui TL, Le HA. “Assessing the Seismic Behavior of Rammed Earth Walls with an L-Form Cross-Section”, Sustainability, (2019), 11, 1296.
[18] Sentosa BOB., Bui QB, Plé O, Plassiard JP, Perrotin P. “Assessing damage of beam-column connections in RC structures from vibrational measurement results” Structural Engineering International, Published online: 19 June 2019, Taylor & Francis, DOI: 10.1080/10168664.2019.1581587, ISSN: 1683-0350.
[19] Bouaissi A, Li L Y, Abdullah M M A B, Bui Q B, “Mechanical properties and microstructure analysis of FA-GGBS-HMNS based geopolymer concrete”, Construction and Building Materials 210 (2019) 198–209, ISSN: 0950-0618, Elsevier.
[20] Bui QB, Limam A, Bui TT, “Dynamic discrete element modelling for seismic assessment of rammed earth walls”, Engineering Structures, 175 (2018) 690–699, ISSN: 0141-0296. Elsevier
[21] El-Nabouch R, Bui Q B, Plé O, Perrotin P “Characterizing the shear parameters of rammed earth material by using a full-scale direct shear box”, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, Vol. 171, 20 May 2018, pp. 414–420.
[22] Bui Q-B “Assessing the rebound hammer test for rammed earth material”, Sustainability, (2017), MDPI.
[23] Bui T.T., Limam A., Nana W.S.A, Ferrier E., Bost M., Bui Q.B. “Evaluation of one-way shear behavior of reinforced concrete slabs: Experimental and Numerical Analysis”, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 3 Sep. 2017, Pages 1-27, Taylor & Francis.
[24] Bui Q-B, Grillet A-C, Tran H-D “A Bamboo Treatment Procedure: Effects on the Durability and Mechanical Performance”, Sustainability, (2017) 9(9), 1444, MDPI.
[25] El-Nabouch R, Bui Q B, Plé O, Perrotin P “Assessing the in-plane seismic performance of rammed earth walls by using horizontal loading tests”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 145, 15 August 2017, pp. 153–161, Elsevier.
[26] El-Nabouch R, Pastore J, Bui Q B, Plé O, “Limit Analysis, rammed earth material and Casagrande test”, Comptes rendus Mecanique, Elsevier, Vol. 346, Issue 2, February 2018, pp. 98-109.
[27] Le D-H, Sheen Y-N, Bui Q B “An assessment on volume stabilization of mortar with stainless steel slag sand”, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 155, 30 November 2017, Pages 200-208, Elsevier.
[28] Tran M-T, Bui Q-B, Sentosa B, Nguyen N-T, Duong T-H, Plé O. “Sustainable RC Beam-Column Connections with Headed Bars: A Formula for Shear Strength Evaluation”, Sustainability, (2018), MDPI. ISSN: 2071-1050.
[29] Bui Q-B, Tran M-T, Le D-H, “Using wastes from thermal power plants for manufacturing of low strength construction materials”, CIGOS 2017, October 26-27, 2017, Ho Chi Minh City, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer.
[30] Nguyen D-M, Grillet A-C, Woloszyn M, Bui Q B. “Influence of thermo-pressing conditions on insulation materials from bamboo fibers and proteins based bone glue”, Industrial Crops and Products, Elsevier, 2017.
b. Books and book chapters
[1] Fabbri A, Morel JC, Aubert JE, Bui QB, Gallipoli D, Reddy BVV, Ventura A (Editors). Testing and Characterisation of Earth-based Building Materials and Elements, RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, Springer (2022), 293p, ISBN: 978-3-030-83296-4.
[2] Bui Q B, Thiết kế kết cấu bêtông cốt thép theo TCVN 5574:2018 (Design of reinforced concrete structures following TCVN 5574:2018), NXB Xây Dựng (2020), ISBN: 978-604-82-3892-6, 338p.
[3] Bui Q B, Thiết kế kết cấu bêtông cốt thép theo tiêu chuẩn Eurocode – Cơ sở lý thuyết và ví dụ áp dụng (Design of reinforced concrete structures following Eurocode 2), NXB Xây Dựng (1/2018), ISBN: 978-604-82-2335-9, 212p.
[4] Bui QB., El-Nabouch R., Miccoli L., Morel J.C., Oliveira D.V., Silva R.A. et al. (2022) Seismic Assessment of Earthen Structures. In: Fabbri A., Morel JC., Aubert JE., Bui QB., Gallipoli D., Reddy B.V. (eds) Testing and Characterisation of Earth-based Building Materials and Elements. Springer, Pages 181-210, ISBN: 978-3-030-83296-4.
[5] Gallipoli D., Bruno A.W., Bui Q.B., Fabbri A., Faria P., Oliveira D. V. et al. Durability of Earth Materials: Weathering Agents, Testing Procedures and Stabilisation Methods, In: Fabbri A., Morel JC., Aubert JE., Bui QB., Gallipoli D., Reddy B.V. (eds) Testing and Characterisation of Earth-based Building Materials and Elements. Springer, Pages 211-241, ISBN: 978-3-030-83296-4.
[6] Nguyen DM, Perré P, Nguyen TPT, Bui QB, Hoang DQ. “Chapter 4: Recent Advances in Nanofillers for Multidisciplinary Applications of Polymer Nanocomposites”, in: Mineral Filled Polymer Composites: Selection, Processing, and Applications, Edited by: Ismail H, Sapuan SM, Ilyas RA, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, October 2021, ISBN: 9781032116617, 312 p.
[7] Bui Q B, Plé O, Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Sustainability in civil engineering: from sustainable materials to sustainable structures", Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050), 2019.
[8] Bui Q B, Woloszyn M, Wets G, Cajka R, Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Sustainability in Civil Engineering: from Sustainable Materials to Sustainable Cities", Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050), 2018.
[9] Bui Q B, Cajka R, Tran M-T, Wets G, Woloszyn M, Editor of CUTE 2018 conference proceeding, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 143 (2018)
[10] Morel J C, Bui Q B, Hamard H. “Chapter 11: Weathering and durability”, pages 282–303, in: Modern earth buildings - Materials, engineering, construction and applications, Editors: Hall M, Lindsay R, Krayenhoff M, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge (2012), ISBN-13: 978-0857090263, 810p.
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