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The learning space – design studio experience program At the faculty of civil engineering, Ton Duc Thang University 2023-2024

Every experience is important, but seeing, participating in, and feeling reality firsthand is essential and meaningful. Students can learn about the place they plan to go, the place they will stay for a long time in the coming years, completely able to do it using the internet system. However, going to the right place, hearing and seeing the appropriate specialized learning space directly, feeling and touching the learning products, and participating in the lesson is extremely important.
The program to experience learning spaces – design studios at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Ton Duc Thang University brings high school students to visit and have that interesting experience. In 2023-2024, the experience program continues to be implemented, and has just welcomed 2 high schools to experience on December 2, 2023 and December 16, 2023.
The Faculty of Civil Engineering currently has 5 majors: Construction Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning, Architecture and Construction Management. The five majors have 2 main practical learning areas, the 6th floor area of building D (creative building) (with architectural studio room D606, planning studio room D605 and model and working gallery D601) and practical laboratory area in the basement of building D. Models and students' learning products are displayed in the practice rooms to help students refer to create better products, helping students know what are students learning and how do they make specialized products? Students understand the major they will choose through introduction and direct guidance of models and drawings from lecturers in charge of experiential activities.
Some pictures of the experiential tour

