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ACAD PRO 2024 Competition

On April 6th, 2024, the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FCE) and the Creative Zone Club (CZC) hosted the "ACAD PRO 2024" competition, attracting over 50 students from Ton Duc Thang University. The contest tasked participants with redrawing a provided pdf blueprint using Acad Software. Evaluation criteria included drawing quality, completion time, and the utilization of "Acad commands" during the blueprint construction.
After more than a week of grading, the organizing committee has identified the top 6 students as follows:
•    Nguyễn Quang Huy (Student’s ID: 82100085) excellently won the first prize.
•    The second prize belongs to Lê Như Ngọc (Student’s ID: 81900129).
•    The third prize goes to Nguyễn Tấn Nghiệm (Student’s ID: 81900418).
•    The three encouragement prizes are awarded to Mai Châu Nhuận (Student’s ID: 818H0071), Võ Văn Quyến (Student’s ID: 82100608), and Nguyễn Linh Trường (Student’s ID: 82100355).
At the award ceremony on April 15th, Dr. Trần Minh Tùng – Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, highly praised the organization and enthusiasm of the students in the activities of the Creative Zone Club. He observed a positive trend in the students' learning process through the competition and expressed hope for continued efforts by CZC leadership to foster connections and promote beneficial activities.
Also, at the ceremony, Sponsor representative - Mr. Nguyễn Hoàng Hà, Technical Advisory and Business Development Director at FICO Tây Ninh Construction Joint Stock Company (FICO YTL), delivered an opening speech praising the practicality and significance of the competition for the university's training activities.
The “ACAD PRO” competition, scheduled to be held annually, will become a hallmark event of CZC and FCE. It aims to facilitate student engagement with educators, professionals, and industry partners, allowing them to refine their soft skills before entering their career paths.
Some pictures from the event:

Contestants together with teachers and business representatives taking souvenir photos
Hình 2 Trao hao cho nhà tài trợ
Hình 3 Nguyễn Quang Huy ( Giải nhất ) nhận giải từ BTC
Hình 4 Lê Như Ngọc ( Giải nhì ) nhận giải từ BTC
Hình 5 Giải khuyến khích